Monday, December 14, 2009

Two Gary Paulsens

"Mrs. Walker can I compare the Gary Paulsen that wrote Hatchet with the Gary Paulsen that wrote Brian's Winter?"
What I should of said ...was,
"Yes, you betcha sweetheart, you compare those two Gary Paulsens!"

What I said was, "Honey, they're actually the same man."
Student, "Right, they both have the same name." 
Me: "No, two books, one man," I'm breaking into pantomime here.
Student: (blank stare)
Me: "Are you understanding what I mean? See, there's one author and he wrote two separate books..." 
Student: "Huh?" 
Me: "Hmm... You know what, on second thought, you go right ahead and compare those two Gary Paulsens!"