Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spelling Bee

Today was the annual classroom spelling bee, and my students did not disappoint. Here are a few of my favorite answers:
Teacher: Cancellation
Student 1: Can I get the next word?
Teacher: No C, your word is cancellation. 
Student 1: C-a-n-c-a-l-a-s-h-u-n
Teacher: Incorrect. Hanna, you are next, the word is cancellation.
Hanna: C-a-n-c-e-l-l-a-t-i-o-n
Teacher: That's Correct  
Student 1: That's messed up, she gets all the easy ones!

Teacher: Entrepreneur
S: ?????????
T whispers: It starts with an "X"
S: O-n-t-r-e oh I give up, X-Y-purple-capital 7